missing this

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There are of course many things that I miss from my teaching career.  I’m sure that you can guess that I miss the students, my teacher friends, the way the morning air smells at 6 am, pulling into the lot and getting my spot, my computer, and cranking up KLove as loud as I can get it.  Of course I miss Buddy day in the cafe…the whoa clap and getting chances to model and coach in classroom.  I miss the Literacy district meetings…and even the frustration of how slow some things seem to roll at that level.  But one of the things I miss that comes as a close second to the kids is research.  

What does a teacher research, you may be asking.  I’m always looking for a new website that will possibly help teachers learn and teach…things that are researched ‘best practice’.  And no don’t worry, I don’t think all things that have ‘aligned to CCSS’ on the cover necessarily fit the bill.

I do love searching and going on rabbit trails after things.  Luckily two of my best friends and I recently had the opportunity to write curriculum for our district this winter.  We presented to every elementary grade level in February.  I love to share new things with my friends.

So I want to share 3 of the new websites that I found recently.  I am always in search of free well-written short articles and things phonic related (because as a reading specialist, that is really what I spent a bit of time working on with my young students.

http://www.readingbear.org/  –  I love .org….I know that there are some .com sites that are also good, however, on a .org you know that it is safe and there won’t be a sales pitch or pop-ups.  Some of these sites start out as a .org but become a .com

http://textproject.org/   – Can’t say enough about this one…multilevel , beautiful photographs and interesting articles…warning:  have enough colored ink in your printer and a laminator is on hand also…I love the beginning reads because of the repetition of my favorite words to teach (Dolch)…can I tell you how much I liked teaching that aspect of early reading??? NOT!  I much prefer Tier 2. vocabulary myself, but if this can help me teach ‘the, their, there, where’… sure…I’ll take it!

http://perspectives.tolerance.org/  – This is a new find…like a today find.  I believe in social justice and the importance of teaching tolerance.  I love the research that went into creating this site…the amazing amount of free read aloud material about this topic

Okay, I know I said only free and for teachers.  This is my favorite for the littlest I-pad users.  It won a Cybil and Sammie (my grand daughter)  loves loves it!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrgrpBGb2Tc  –  This is called Endless Alphabet.  I also love it when kinders come into kindergarten knowing their sounds!!!

I would love it if everyone would share their personal favorites!  Let’s get it in a Slice before we are done on Day 31. xo






Published by Nanc

lifelong teacher who is semi-retired (does this sound better?) who loves God, family and laughing... who hates social injustice... who wants to write every day... who needs to exercise every day... who blog hops... who wants to live her everyday life led by her savior, Jesus Christ!

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