my o.l.w. , finally

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DRUMROLL….I found my OLW this week!  I have waited patiently for it to arrive and show itself.  It appeared quietly, wondering why I hadn’t noticed it before this.


It is simple in size but has a big heart.  It is playful, but not overbearing.  It comes in many resplendent colors and is simple and solemn, in its standard black.  Maybe you are thinking that this fifty-something is venturing into ‘tat land‘, I am not.  I do admire the intricate and colorful ink masterpieces I have seen while riding the sub-way to Chicago.  Sometimes I stare, and sometimes I will comment about how I love the artwork on another’s chest or arm.  I digress here, a bit, but I do think that there is also something magical about ink on a page of paper. I want to create. I want to ink.

Today at church our pastor talked about planning our calendars using ink.  Placing important details in ink, not pencil.  Those important things gave me pause this morning.  Yes, I want to carve out time to talk to God every day.  It will be inked daily on my calendar.  Yes, I want to carve out time daily to write.  It also will be inked on my calendar.  I wish to create time to do new things…find antiques, cross-country ski, and learn more about birds.  These things will be inked throughout the year as I plan two months at a time.  I will also continue to ink fitness in, even though it has become a habit. Unless I ink it in, there are no guarantees that it won’t be erased as my life, every once in a while, seems to crowd out even some of my ingrained habits.

Ink is not easily erased, it can be scratched out, but I hate the way that looks.  I hate the way that feels inside.  Ink can get messy sometimes, I will need to learn how to be content with that.  Some won’t understand why I feel this need to leave a mark where there wasn’t one before.  This year I will ink.


PS  Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Deuteronomy 11:18 …his word, is the word I want to ink in 2015.

Published by Nanc

lifelong teacher who is semi-retired (does this sound better?) who loves God, family and laughing... who hates social injustice... who wants to write every day... who needs to exercise every day... who blog hops... who wants to live her everyday life led by her savior, Jesus Christ!

17 thoughts on “my o.l.w. , finally

  1. Glad to read that you are not entering “tat land” but you will leave your mark on all that come into contact with you. Interesting Bible passage, perfect to go with OLWs.


  2. Guess we are late together in allowing our words to choose us. Mine came to me today also. I will be very interested to read about how you and God are “inking” your life this year.


  3. I thought I had a word, but it turned out it was really someone else’s word…when I tried to write about how it would challenge me, I found it didn’t really at all. Glad I didn’t stick with it, but my word just hasn’t shown itself yet.I love the word you chose and all the ways it has already spoken to you.


  4. See, now I thought immediately that you were talking about ink on the page not on the skin 🙂
    What a unique OLW
    Ink is not easily erased, it can be scratched out, but I hate the way that looks. I hate the way that feels inside. Ink can get messy sometimes, I will need to learn how to be content with that. Some won’t understand why I feel this need to leave a mark where there wasn’t one before. This year I will ink.
    Cant’ wait to see where it takes you!


  5. What a unique word to choose. Love it! Ink can be bold, delicate, decorative, etc. In all its manifestations it does say, “Notice me. I am important.” I can’t wait to read about where your word takes you. Happy journeying.


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